

    is now part of our daily lives, taking pictures from just our phone but mainly photographers use digital or DSLR camera to give them more control over their photos when taking them. Sadly, not all of us can't afford to buy it yet, that's why we have other devices to take pictures such mobile devices they're already pretty good at processing images these days. Others use a video game to take pictures of the game and practice their photography skills at least. People enjoyed it, so we let them cook.This were captured in-game by me.
There are also few angles that you can do and replicate in-game. Basically, you can practice angles to visualize it before taking real photos.

Medium shot

Frame-within-a-frame shot

Worms eye view shot

Wide angle shot

Over the shoulder-shot

(Over the shoulder shot is also commonly used in movies.)

There are more angles or perspective that I still may not know, but these are most known angles. Photography is really my interest I just don't have an equipment. But when you love photography, when you enjoy it, and feel it, no one can really stop you from doing the things you love.

“Great photography is about depth of feeling, not depth of field.” - Peter Adams

Medium shot: Pinterest
Worms eye view shot: Pinterest
*In-game photos were captured by me, and they were captured in Minecraft.*


  1. Wow! I wanted to capture sunsets because it gives me the feeling of happiness

    1. Wow, I find capturing sunsets gives me the feeling of satisfaction.


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